
A Tip:: All posts entitled City - Gün # tend to be full of photos from a weekend trip. The rest of the posts are useless paragraphs, full of my ramblings and random photos.

Sunday, September 11, 2005


The Ankara Zoo is filled with some of the saddest sights I've ever seen. I feel guilty for spending that 3 YTL.

The elephant
Vulture cage
All the animals were in small, unnatural cages such as the elephant who is separated from viewers by a 3 foot fence, a shallow moat, and 3 feet of spikes. And then the cage for the vultures on the bottom is hardly big enough for the birds to do more than hop (no flying).

Children feeding Zoo animals
A chimpanzee beggar
Unlike in the States, visitors are allowed to feed the animals, like on the top (above). This makes all the animals do tricks and beg for treats, such as the sad chimpanzee on the right which catches food you throw to him.

German Shepard Cages
A sleeping dog
The Ataturk Zoo apparently keeps some domesticated breeds of dogs and cats on display. We saw German Shepards (on the left), Spaniels, a Dalmation, as well as Ankara and Van cats. Once again, the cages were small and fairly uncomfortable; none of the animals really looked happy.

I'm not really sure how these people can go to the zoo and not feel bad.


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