
A Tip:: All posts entitled City - Gün # tend to be full of photos from a weekend trip. The rest of the posts are useless paragraphs, full of my ramblings and random photos.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Emniyet (Safety)

So, no, Turkey is not the safest place in the world. Neither is London, Madrid, New York, Washington D.C., and just about any city in any country you could possibly wish to visit. I'd say (from a naïve outsider's point of view) that a majority of the Turkish attacks have one main motive: the move for an independent Kurdish state in Southeastern Turkey. So, Turks and foreigners (not just Americans!) alike fall victim to these violent attempts to persuade the Turkish government.

And then, there are more predictable threats such as the usual pick-pockets and scams aimed at foreigners. Purse-snatching is as common a hobby in Istanbul as it is in New York or London.

* I have found CNN to be severely lacking in global news, especially related to Turkey. So, I highly suggest BBC News instead.


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