
A Tip:: All posts entitled City - Gün # tend to be full of photos from a weekend trip. The rest of the posts are useless paragraphs, full of my ramblings and random photos.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Ataturk's Mausoleum
The study abroad office took the exchange students on a trip today. We went to see Anitkabir, Ataturk's tomb. The mausoleum functions as the resting place of Ataturk, as well as his friend, the second president of Turkey, and a museum dedicated to telling the story of Ataturk. They had several jewelled gifts from foreign countries, as well as many of Ataturk's personal possessions (fitness equipment, clothing, his favorite dog (stuffed), tea sets, etc) all on display. Another portion of the museum was dedicated to the revolution- its largest battles and its generals. That was followed by photographs and rooms dedicated to Ataturk's actions after the War of Independence was won.

We also saw the first parliament building, but it was really tiny.


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