
A Tip:: All posts entitled City - Gün # tend to be full of photos from a weekend trip. The rest of the posts are useless paragraphs, full of my ramblings and random photos.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


So, I lied about that sleep thing. METU said they would provide linens; I have a pillow and a heavy blanket. The heavy blanket isn't helping the heat problem. I opened a window (the weather is gorgeous), but that apparently let in a mosquito which bit me in 6 different places. Scratch that, 3 mosquitos.

I got my venegeance. I killed him (and one of his brothers).

So now I'm up at 4 am (9 pm Philly time) sleepy, hot, and itchy. So, I write blog posts for a time when I have internet access.

[Edit] I was eventually able to ask the front desk for linens, but I didn't know all the words in Turkish, so I made this:

The paper says, "My room/Room 2008 (Floor 5) #1 There is no sheet. #2 There is no pillowcase. #3 There is no duvet cover. Thank you!"


At 5:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your insane....but the pictures on flickr are neat

death cab's new album is love


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